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One year before the end of the research project RegioPower, an article was published in the „Projects Magazine“. In the course of RegioPOwer, the Biomass Module was developed and GISCAME is being applied in vaiours European model regions. More information is provided on the project homepage www.eli-web.com/RegioPower/

 Download the project article (PDF)



The SLK published a press release within the Geo-Media project on september 10 2013 in Liberec. Pupils worked with the software Pimp your landscape (the gaming version of GISCAME).




Fit for the climate change? - Assistance in planning assessment with Pimp your landscape/GISCAME

Land use decisions meet the challenge to consider complex interactions between different land use types as well as heterogeneous impacts, requirement,s and expectations of different land users.Against this background, the planning tool GISCAME (previously Pimp Your Landscape) was developed. Discover how Pimp Your Landscape supports the project REGKLAM in planning activities.

 Download the project announcement (PDF)



High quality, rewarded software product in bundle with land use and land cover data is ready for the market

PiSolution GmbH and Euromap GmbH conclude to place a innovative software product on the market: Pimp your landscape in connection with land use and land cover data of the Euromap GmbH and its parent company GAF AG.

 Download the press release (PDF)

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